Thursday, January 27, 2011

why they named the dreamwork's movie called mega mind

I don't know why they come up with title called mega mind when the movie is a about two people from diffrent planet's when the alien came to live on earth and the other guy who was raised on the same planet as the blue skin alien was when he was supposed to be the bad guy but then discided to become the good guy but then the other person who became a superhero started acting like a show off but then month's later he  quit being a superhero and started being a lazy butt a hero should be there to protect people in the entire city not sit around being lazy all day and night that is what i believe in a way but anyway i'll get right to the point i don't what they were thinking about coming up with a title like that if it comes out on dvd i have no intention on watching that movie at all i will not.

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