Friday, September 24, 2021

Why people choose not to get vaccinated.

 People say that they are immune and they can't get the covid virus but are they really? No they are not while the health experts are doing the best they can to save lives in their are protesting saying that "It's my body and I choose not to get the vaccine." And they are right to be opinionated in their way but what about our right to stay healthy? I mean they believe that it's against their constitutional rights that they if they choose not to get the vaccine then their kids shouldn't get one, while people think that everybody is getting tested positive for covid 19 each day elderly folks, young teenagers, & even little kids i chose to get the vaccine because I choose to stay healthy. People say that they rather face death than live their lives to the fullest while others choose life whether we choose to get vaccinated or not I believe that we can through this together if swallow our pride and get the vaccine for the safety of out friends our loved ones heck everyone don't be so foolish and how many more do we have to lose to prove to you that it can you and your family safe and how many more have to beg to you to get it? If you are listening to them then hear them now crying and begging you to listen to hear them to get the vaccine if you choose not to then that's your deal not to, but do choose to get the vaccine then you're listening but still hear them plead to you now.  

Friday, January 23, 2015

"Believe the rumer's or don't."

First movie producer's say that they are not going to making the "The Mortal Instruments:City Of Ashes." Then suddenly they got a rich sponser and was paid $80,000,000 to start it up again and getting people's hopes up then suddenly they take it off IMDB and stopped doing it, but then i read on the internet and guess what? Rumer has it that movie producer's are starting up the "City Of Ashes" project again but right now i don't know if the rumer's are true or not true, i don't think that they should make promises that they can't keep cause all they do is get people's hopes up for nothing.

Saturday, September 20, 2014

"Why would Adam Barney kill a newborn baby?"

I watched a story on the channel 13 News about a man named Adam Barney was arrested for the murder of the fourteenth month-old baby girl named k.c who recently lost her life a month ago by the mother's live-in boyfriend, only the mother was not aware that he was abusive to that child when he was alone with baby, squeezing the baby, hitting her in the face twice and the worst punching her in the stomach that caused her death. When a child is brought into this world a child has a commitment to the parents as well as the parents have the commitment to their children and to help them and to guide them to help them find their own way's in life, remember the fact that Adam Barney stole the life of that fourteenth month-old baby girl and how her life was taken away to soon and if he gets away with murder the justice would go unaswered and answer it now for the sake of the fourteenth month-old baby girl.

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Why the movie producer's stop making the next movie City Of Ashes?"

I don't know why the movie producer's postponed on making the next movie of The Mortal Instrument's series, it really suck's and it's stupid they just barley made $34 million dollar's for making that movie and now they say they have to wait at least two years to make the $60 million dollar budget?! That is the lamest and stupidst excuse that i have ever heard in my life, everyday it's excuse after excuse news flash not everybody is to be that happy of waiting that for that movie to come out in the year of 2015 some people like it and most don't like it, well guess what? It's there loss and it's not my problem if they don't like "The City Of Bones" movie.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

"Why would someone still from a pawnshop owner?"

I watched an episode of last year's season of Hardcore Pawn that the head of security was stealing from his Les Gold whom he has been working for three years and that was just not right, they treated Joe the head of security as a member of the Gold family and how does he repay them? By stealing from under them, i just know that the Golds will get through work okey and that the same thing doesn't happen to them again.

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Why mother's never go to the police!

I watched an episode of Dr. Phile two days ago that showed of a woman who molested and her mother knew about it and never made a police report, and she claims that she did but her daughter claims that she didn't and she doesn't want her mother to be in her daughter's life, you don't go on living your life conceling a crim that has been comitted in your own home you have to file a police report so the person who raped you child will be facing jail time in prison. But most of all don't shut your mother out your life who want's to try to reconcile with you, because if you don't give her the chance you will come to regret it for the rest of your life.

Monday, October 22, 2012

We team Obama or team Romney?"

Romney claims that he would male a better president than Obama but that was a load of crap, during the debat Obama was going to say something but Romney told him very rudly "Don't talk right now wait until it's your turn." You do not talk to someone like that during the debat anyone who trust's Obama you vote for him, but don't vote Romney i don't trust him and i don't think that anybody should either he doesn't care about anybody but himself.