Wednesday, January 19, 2011

are we on team edward or team jacob?

some fans believe that bella on the twilight saga movie's believe that jacob is better suited for bella better than edward and some of us on team edward know that edward is better for bella than jacob and i believe that to in the movie twilight saga new moon edward thought that maybe that bella should move on with her life without him being apart of her life but bella was heartbroken when he left when he thought that she will move on with her life with someone else and bella thought with the help from her friend jacob she did not know that he was a werewolf then she started falling in love with jacob but when edward was calling bella's house phone cause alice went to go see bella jacob picked up the phone instead of bella and edward thought he was talking to bella's father but jacob told edwatd that he was getting everything ready for his friends funeral and edward thought that bella was dead but she was not dead she was very brave to go her friend alice to stop him from exposing himself in front of alot of people but then bella came to italy but then the other vampire's found out that she was alive and they were planning to kill her but edward would not let them kill her and then bella was planning to throw away her llife to save the edward's  life but then alice told aro that bella will be one of them the other vampire's let them go if bella still keep there kind a secret and she wanted edward to turn her into a vampire but edward did not want her to have that life and neither did jacob cause he was also in love with bella but then she chose to be with edward but then edward told her that if he agree's to turn bella into a vampire if she agree's to marry him and that i believe that she agree's to that condition that way she and edward will have a good life together.

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