Thursday, January 20, 2011

why they are naming the movie called "I am number Four"

yesterday i did a blog of "are we on team edward or team jacob?" today i'll be doing a blog about the same movie called "I am number Four" i still don't understand why do not come with a better title than that but even though they are doing what they can that is still a stupid title if it does come out in theaters i have no intention on seeing that movie at all there is even a dvd called vampire's suck what kind  of a name of movie is that? i don't understand why they came up with a title like that cause that is so dump and i have no intention of watching that movie at all as well it's not even close to the twilight saga movie's or the books again why would they come up with title like that? i have no idea why but we'll never know unless we see for ourself's but i am not going to watch the movie "vampire's suck" or see that other movie coming out theater's "I am number Four" i will not.

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