Saturday, November 12, 2011

Why did Lindsey Lohan become a drug addict?

When Lindsey Lohan was a little she played in a movie called "The Parent Trap." She was a good kid. Then she grew to adulthood and became a drug addict. When she first started doing drugs she got hooked on them. She was brought to court and the judge ordered her to go to rehab.  She went to rehab.  Came out then she went back to being hooked on drugs.  Then she was brought back to court again and again she was ordered to go through treatment.  But no matter what treatment she was ordered to go through she gets hooked on drugs and again she violated her probation.  In one treatment center she  was ordered to go through, she caused trouble for all the nurses.  No matter how many times the courts order Lindsey Lohan to go through treatment she goes back to doing drugs, and then she violates her probation. If she wants to risk a drug overdose that is her choice.  Too bad  someone with such promise and talent can't make a good choice.

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