Saturday, November 26, 2011

Is Bella better of with Edward or Jacob?

All fans of team Jacob think that Jacob is better suited for and not Edward, but i disagree on that statement Edward is better suited for Bella not Jacob. When Edward thought that Bella would be better off having a human life without him when Jacob came in to make her life better but then her life went back to being worse, when Edward thought that Bella was dead he was angry and hurt but when he saw that she was still alive he was happy, when Edward tells Bella that he can turn Bella into a vampire he would do it in exchange for her to be married to him and she said yes to that when Jacob heard that she and Edward where engaged to be married he was angry well i just want to say one thing to Jacob "You snooze you lose pal" Edward is better suited for Bella not Jacob. Jacob had his chances and they are gone for good and i should also say this "Jacob get over it" Bella made her choice of who she wants to be with and she made the right choice she picked Edward and i know i said this already but i'll say it again Not Jacob that is why Edward and Bella have a kid together a baby girl then Jacob imprints on Bella's daughter and he made a promise to himself that he would protect her he saw it all when he seen Bella's daughter in Rosalie's arms then Bella woke up as a new born vampire.

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