Wednesday, February 16, 2011

why they think "I am number Four" is a good movie title

They still believe that the movie called "I am number Four" is a good movie some people would go see that movie some would say that it was really good some believe that it's not a good movie it's here in ephraim in the southtown theater and some people would go see it on a friday night if that movie is going to be here at the south town theater i have no intention on seeing that movie i will not even though it will probaly get good ratings but still i have no intention on seeing that movie and i still believe that is a stupid title of a movie they should have come up with better title than that and they should unlike the indiana jones movie when they mixed aliens with indiana jones that also stupid name for a title they also should have come up with a better title than that to i still can't believe that i wanted to see that movie with my friend jenni and she also agree's with me on the title of indiana jones.

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