Monday, October 22, 2012

We team Obama or team Romney?"

Romney claims that he would male a better president than Obama but that was a load of crap, during the debat Obama was going to say something but Romney told him very rudly "Don't talk right now wait until it's your turn." You do not talk to someone like that during the debat anyone who trust's Obama you vote for him, but don't vote Romney i don't trust him and i don't think that anybody should either he doesn't care about anybody but himself.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Why people keep bringing up Casey Anthony!

I,m so sick and tired of finding Casey Anthony's name on the internet, when she was in court she was found not guilty for her daughter's murder but she was found guilty for lying to the police because she where her daughter's remains where, i then find out that  she is being sued for $3 billion dollar lawsuit. Most people are not happy that she got a walk for what happened to Caley Anthony and most men are happy that she walked and want to marry her but there is no excuse for knowing where her daughter's remains where, but knowing that there is nothing that the prosecution can do about it cause once the case has been settled it is over and done with whatever happens it is not anyones problem.