Monday, January 2, 2012

Isn't one wife enough?

I watched a recording episode of Dr. Phil a month ago that one man married three women saying that it is okey to be married to more than one woman, however it is against the law to be married to two more women, he and his three wifes have 24 kids having that many children is really stupid. People think that is ridiculous and expensive to care for that many children, if children learn what they see then yes, his children have a loving family. However, they are also teaching their children to live an illegal life style. And still he marries two more women nowing that it was illegal and that is against the law in the USA but he marries two women anyway and chose to ignore the law and has 24 children with his three wives, all i can say to this guy and to his three wives "Do not get married to more than one wife dude because that is just ridiculouse and stupid."