Tuesday, September 13, 2011

why Casey Anthony is not telling her parents the truth."

Casey Anthony was put on trial for the murder of her daughter Caylee Anthony the jury found her not guilty of murder, her parents were there for their daughter when she was found Not Guilty and then they walked when the verdict was announced Casey Anthony's parents was put on Dr. Phil when he wanted the Anthony's to tell the truth of what really happend to Caylee Anthony they tell Dr. Phil that when they asked their daughter where Caylee was a lie comes out of Casey's mouth, when they asked her again where their granddaughter was another lie comes out. When a child is born into this we have a commitment to protect,love,and cared for that child.But Casey Anthony did not do those things. She cose to lie to the police, chose not to tell what really happend to her daughter,and chosed not to tell her parents the truth and she also chose not to talk to her parents.She knew where her daughter was buried and chose not to tell what really happend to Caylee Anthony, her remains where found three years later that child did not deserve to die, if Casey Anthony had the commitment to protect,love,and care for her daughter Caylee Anthony would still be alive today.

Monday, September 12, 2011

why they made a movie of smurfs?

They thought that the smurfs movie is a good movie only i did not want to see that when i watch the the sneek peek of the smurfs i thought it looked stupid and i was right i,m sure that it got some great reviews and to think there is a cartoon of that show and now they made a movie of the smurfs i never watched the smurfs and have no intension to if anyone wants to see that movie well that is there choice not mine and i know that it looked stupid when i went to see the indiana jones the kingdom of the cristal skull movie i,m so glad i didn't go see that smurfs movie cause if i did go see it with my friend jenni or with my mom and dad and they asked me what i think of it i would say "It was stupid i never want to see it again" that is what i would say and i still do not want to see it at all never ever but as i said before if people want to see it that is there choice i don't decide for them i do not but i still think that it looks really stupid i still believe that.